Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWARSYSCOM) is committed to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). All civilian employees and applicants for employment will be given fair treatment and equal employment opportunity regardless of their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity), national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. All employees will have the freedom to compete on a fair and level playing field with equal opportunity for competition. An employee who believes he or she has been discriminated against because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or reprisal must contact an EEO Counselor within 45 calendar days of the date of the matter alleged to be discriminatory, or in the case of a personnel action, within 45 days of the effective date of the action. NAVWARSYSCOM supports the rights of all employees to exercise their rights under the civil rights statutes. Contact number is 619-553-5700. To ensure all applicants and employees are afforded equal employment opportunity, NAVWARSYSCOM actively analyzes its policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that they do not limit or tend to limit equal employment opportunities. Demographic information of individuals applying for employment with NAVWARSYSCOM is critical in our efforts to eliminate barriers to equal employment opportunity for all applicants. All demographic information provided is kept confidential and reported in an aggregated format. Demographic information pertaining to specific employment opportunities are not shared with people involved in that selection process. To assist NAVWARSYSCOM in ensuring equal employment opportunities, please respond to the demographic questions below.